Monday, August 25, 2008

Mother Nature...

This weekend Timmy and I went to the Nascar race in Bristol, TN. ...I know what you're thinking: Krisha at a Nascar race? But it's true. For the second year in a row we've been given tickets to enjoy the Bristol race in very nice, exclusive club seats--air conditioning, a smoked turkey leg... the works. But the 7-hour drive was actually worth it, we had a blast! We got home late last night, so I had not been by the studio yet when our neighbors downtown called this morning to let me know that a limb had attacked our air conditioner over the weekend.

...and so the outside heat is actually refreshingly cool for us today at the studio. We're calling it a day a little early and working from home with hopes of a cooler and breezy tomorrow!

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Best of the 'Boro. Thank you Statesboro!!!

Thank you Statesboro for making Krisha Craven Photography the "Best of the 'Boro" for the second year in a row!!! We are so fortunate to be in such a great community. We are truly honored. Please enjoy the video that we put together to highlight some of our best work. Thank you again!