Friday, December 19, 2008

Sneak peek... Justine & Tim!

We enjoyed the unusually warm December weather with this cute couple out at Sweetheart Circle earlier this week! Justine and Tim came here together for college and have been captured by Statesboro's charms. Their wedding is planned for July 11, 2009. Congratulations Justine and Tim!

1 comment:

Drew said...

Go Justine!! HAHA :)

Best of the 'Boro. Thank you Statesboro!!!

Thank you Statesboro for making Krisha Craven Photography the "Best of the 'Boro" for the second year in a row!!! We are so fortunate to be in such a great community. We are truly honored. Please enjoy the video that we put together to highlight some of our best work. Thank you again!