Saturday, February 16, 2008

Happy Arbor Day!!

This Saturday (February 16) was Arbor Day! Keep Bulloch Beautiful along with GSU's Botanical Gardens hosted a tree planting around Bulloch County. Several groups and businesses gathered together to plant several trees. First Southern National Bank provided lunch. It may have been the most beautiful day!! I had so much fun with my fellow Leadership Bulloch 2008 classmates. We planted two live oaks at the recreation department, across from Wendy's. Below are some pictures of us getting our hands dirty...literally!

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Best of the 'Boro. Thank you Statesboro!!!

Thank you Statesboro for making Krisha Craven Photography the "Best of the 'Boro" for the second year in a row!!! We are so fortunate to be in such a great community. We are truly honored. Please enjoy the video that we put together to highlight some of our best work. Thank you again!